Tag: rachel nuwer

  • Bessel van der Kolk in NYMag

    Bessel van der Kolk in NYMag

    Bessel van der Kolk wrote The Body Keeps the Score, which changed the way I look at the world around me and the people in it. Danielle Carr profiles him in NY Magazine and it’s a good read. One thing it touches on is problems with the viral-ness of the book: If he were to…

  • I Feel Love: MDMA and the Quest for Connection in a Fractured World by Rachel Nuwer

    This book exists in the Venn diagram where the circles labelled Michael Pollan, Gabor Maté and Bessel van der Kolk intersect. It’s tremendous. Incredibly well-researched and well-reasoned, this book could and should have a major influence on healthcare and drug policy in the United States and elsewhere. Nuwer directly engages with the critical research and news coverage of MDMA, the…