Tag: economics
Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis
This leftist assessment of our current economic situation has a lot to offer but lost me in a few critical ways.
What’s a downtown property owner to do? “I can summarize it in two words. They’re fucked.”
I learned a lot from this piece: The hidden culprit driving America’s apocalypse of boarded-up storefronts. Not just about empty storefronts, but also why, the authors’ words, “over time, neighborhood streets lined with locally owned yoga studios and bike-repair shops gradually transition to streets full of Sephoras and Banana Republics.” (Or in Canada, A&Ws and…
Molly McGhee writing about class in The Guardian
There’s a lot more to say about this piece, and maybe I will try to figure out some way to say it. But this article is fire: Born Poor Stay Poor. The whole thing is excellent: The American dream has been sold and replaced with a Ponzi scheme meant to benefit the investor class. College…