Tag: crypto

  • “…an unconvincing bible for blockchain solutionists”

    “…an unconvincing bible for blockchain solutionists”

    Molly White reviews Chris Dixon’s book “Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet“. She’s…not a fan: After three chapters in which Dixon provides a (rather revisionist) history of the web to date, explains the mechanics of blockchains, and goes over the types of things one might theoretically be able to do with a…

  • Ed Zitron interviews Molly White

    Molly started Web3 is Going Just Great and has been an interesting crypto skeptic for a long time. This interview here has a lot in it worth listening to. Zitron always asks smart questions (“Do you think [SBF] is a mastermind or a dipshit?”), and White is excellent. Also, just saw that the theme song…

  • Molly White on Michael Lewis

    The reviews of Going Infinite aren’t great! This one carries more weight for me than most: Molly White (of Web3 is Going Great) thinks he’s been duped. Every review for the Lewis book suggests Number Go Up instead.

  • A good review

    From Patrick McKenzie, in Bits About Money: a review of Number Go Up by Zeke Faux. I like the concept of ‘the anti-book’.

  • Number Go Up by Zeke Faux

    This might be Zeke Faux’s Liar’s Poker. It has the same combination of elements that made Lewis a star — engaging writing, a fun subject and wild characters that exemplify a moment in time, and a writer who not only is waist-deep in the culture he’s writing about, but incredibly lucky. That’s not to diminish the…

  • Easy Money: Cryptocurrency, Casino Capitalism, and the Golden Age of Fraud by Ben McKenzie and Jacob Silverman

    I had an hour to kill at the library, figured I would burn the time by skimming this book until I got bored – a middling actor’s adventures in crypto didn’t sound like compelling reading.  Boy was I wrong. This is quite good, and will surely ride you over until the Michael Lewis/SBF book comes…