Tag: Africa

  • Rosewater by Tade Thompson

    This is on a lot of ‘best cyberpunk’ and ‘best sci-fi since 2000’ lists, and it took me a while to track it down. It’s a first-contact trilogy that takes place in Nigeria, where a town is built around a weird alien that opens once a year to heal those around it (and also reanimate…

  • Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    Picked this up shortly after readingĀ The Poisonwood Bible, and you can see the influence this book had on it. Parts of Kingsolver’s book feel like the same story told from the opposing perspective. No doubt that was Kingsolverā€™s intent, and she did it well. Anyway, this is great – classics are often classic for a…

  • Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

    I like to read about the books I read, when I like them or feel like there is more to them than I’m picking up. This is one of those books. But it was published in 1998, which is a weird time for culture. There’s a gap in the 80s and 90s that a lot…