Tag: a16z

  • “…an unconvincing bible for blockchain solutionists”

    “…an unconvincing bible for blockchain solutionists”

    Molly White reviews Chris Dixon’s book “Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet“. She’s…not a fan: After three chapters in which Dixon provides a (rather revisionist) history of the web to date, explains the mechanics of blockchains, and goes over the types of things one might theoretically be able to do with a…

  • “Oh, have we decided it’s 1993 again? I guess I didn’t get the memo.”

    Dave Karpf with a thoughtful response to the silly a16z manifesto from a few days ago. Andreessen’s mid-life crisis? A response to the crypto bubble bursting? Higher interest rates making leverage investing more difficult? Or just the tedium of a sector entering the mature phase of the lifecycle? The piece is worth reading even if…

  • These are desperate and flailing words.

    Brian Merchant (whose excellent book Blood in the Machine I’m almost finished reading) writes a short, succinct, and jargon-free takedown of the brainworms-infected Andreessen manifesto from today (here’s the link: I read it and I feel dumber for having done so).