Author: Andrew Bertaina
Seven short reads: January 13, 2025
Creative nonfiction by Emily Costa. Fiction from Phebe Jewell, Amber Baird, Francesca Leader, Ruth Brandt, and Andrew Bertaina.
Inside a Black Hole by Andrew Bertaina
Bertaina writes about anxiety and guilt so well — I think about his piece On Shame all the time — and that comes through in a couple ways in this story. It’s about new parents trying to find buy a house, and the one that checks their boxes also has a black hole in a closet.…
<blockquote>I still hide, I suppose. Who wouldn’t? When you learn from an early age, from first schooling, that whatever you have inside you, isn’t quite right. That you’ll never fit in entirely. You’ll never cut straight with scissors or learn to play tether ball with the other kids. Even, years later, when none of this…