
About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, brought on as a sidekick to Long Covid. It’s eye-opening and terrifying:

During my first year of being bedbound, I enter a decline that seems like it will never end. I’m in free fall, my baseline sinking lower and lower each month, and I can only watch as it continues, this slow process of my life being chipped away. I’ve been trying to deal with it in a plucky, stiff-upper-lipped manner. I’ve been telling myself:

            Ok, I can’t lift weights anymore, but I can go for walks.

            Ok, I can’t go for walks anymore, but I can read a book.

            Ok, I can’t read a book anymore, but I can listen to music.

            Ok, I can’t listen to music anymore, but I can use the Internet.

            Ok, I can’t use the Internet anymore, but I can text a little.

            Ok, I can’t text a little anymore, but I can lie in bed with my eyes closed.

So this is what I do.

Read the story