Run Lola Run

The film is great, the soundtrack is an all-timer, and you’ll have a chance to dig it on the big screen this summer

Very stoked to read that this summer, Run Lola Run is headed back to theatres for to coincide with the 25th anniversary of its’ initial release.

The soundtrack is an all-timer. Hit go and keep reading:

It’s not available on streaming services. You can get it on CD from eBay pretty cheap.

If you haven’t seen it, it’s a time-loop movie: a woman finds out she has 20 minutes to get her hands on 100,000 Deutschmarks, or some goons will kill her boyfriend. It unfolds in real-time, and (spoiler alert) when it doesn’t work out, she gets another crack at it. It blends music-video style cinematography with animation – it’s kinetic and intense and funny. Here’s a short but entertaining oral history.

The film launched two careers – Franka Potente went on to do a lot including some of the Jason Bourne movies. Director Tom Tykwer went on to do a ton of interesting stuff – working with the Wachowskis on Cloud Atlas and Sense8, among a bunch of solo things (one of which is the film adaptation of Perfume: The Story of a Murder — something I didn’t know existed, despite being blown away by the book).

I watched the film again for the first time during the first COVID lockdowns with my teenager, and they were fully engaged for the whole thing. I don’t know if I’d say it was groundbreaking, but it was creative and energetic. I’ll definitely see it in the theatre again, and hope they release the soundtrack on streaming and vinyl too.

If you need more convincing, here’s the trailer: