Publication: X-R-A-Y
CLUSTER by Katherine Plumhoff
Perennial fave Plumhoff writes about Laura who just lost her mother: People say they see their dead moms in blue jays and buttercups, robins and rhododendrons, but mine told me she’d never come back as something so abominably dull, and to keep an eye out for spiders. It’s a bit Tim Burton, and it’s lovely.
BREAKING by Emily Rinkema
BREAKING is one of those stories that puts the reader off-balance in less than one sentence and stays there throughout. Here’s the first paragraph: On the designated day for punishing mothers, those of us who got our applications in early enough show up, mothers in tow. Most look like they came willingly, walking ahead of…
On the Nostalgia of Dried Apricots and Other Garbage
This is a fierce piece of writing that hits like a sledgehammer: “The man I chose to wed is miles away in the next room weighing down the couch as he wrestles his way through another hangover, offering some caustic rebuke of my failures.” It reminds me of Gwendoline Riley’s First Love, but the text…
This Mine of Mine
One of the weirdest stories I’ve read recently, starts like this and gets weirder as it goes: You wouldn’t guess it looking at me now, but I had a pretty ordinary childhood and early adulthood. My parents weren’t rich, but we weren’t poor either. I grew up in one of those suburbs where every house…
The Thing
A great narrator’s voice on a fishing trip, and a lot more: So, this creature comes in and it looks like a caterpillar if the caterpillar was nine pounds and pink and gelatinous as a huge earthworm with flute holes along its side in the style of a woodwind instrument or an ocarina.
A woman whose quest to quit biting her nails has unexpected results. It’s funny and morbid, with a very unique narrator
One of the funniest short stories I’ve read. All you need to know is in the title.
You Work in the Worst Diner in Existence That’s Always Open for Business
This is a postapocalyptic horror comedy if that’s allowed to be a thing. It’s wild, gruesome and hilarious. I don’t want to spoil it, but it contains the sentence, “A man asks for an eyeball in his large glass of gasoline served with a bendy straw.”
Go To Hell
I thought I knew what hot was. Humidity I could swallow. The wings of dead fish flies going translucent in the sun. Sprinkles melting off my ice cream cone the second I walk out of the shop. There is no ice cream here. There are plenty of dead things, but they are not stiff and…