Publication: JMWW
Nobody’s Cowboy Now by David Waters
Jack is a doctor filling in at an ER in Idaho, and his motto is ‘nothing messy’. Things get messy. This poignant story has lingered for a while. Jack’s heart was as soft as a beat-up Courtyard by Marriott pillow. He didn’t know this. He was a fine diagnostician for everyone but himself. All that…
The Possibility of Ghosts by Amorak Huey
A short ghost story about living with a teenager. I love the ending of this story. Here’s the start: Eventually we did start to catch on he was a ghost. The lack of sleeping was a clue — he was up when we got up in the mornings, still up when we turned in. “I…
Liberations by Phebe Jewell
A short, weird horror story that’s full of metaphors about aging and childhood that leave a lot to interpretation: For generations, the children of Malia’s town freed their animals during the annual Fall Festival before they started school. Some cried as they said goodbye, but most were like Max, Malia’s brother, who couldn’t wait to…