Publication: Fictive Dream
Our Daisy Summer by Annalisa Crawford
This story about a lost love has followed me around all week. It’s a short, simple story with an ending that brought a tear to my eye. All summer, we danced with daisies in our hair, and when the evenings started to shorten and the start of the new school term lurked like a demon…
Anyway, I Wish You Well by S.A. Greene
Greene’s very meta short story plays with language and contains some real surprises, I read it three times in a once I figured out what she was doing with it. There’s an epiphany, an acceptance, a glint of hope or resistance somewhere, because that’s how stories should finish, so they say. A crock of gold…
Saturday Girl by Frances Gapper
A light and surprising ghost story about a kid who works weekends in the bakery: I had a Saturday job at the haunted bakery, where they can’t keep a Saturday girl for love nor money. But it wasn’t haunted when I worked there.Thirteen and a young thirteen, I spoiled their window display by putting cakes…
Blackhearts by Beth Sherman
A child watches her mother struggle to adapt after her marriage falls apart. Sherman writes this story like a memoir, and I had to double check that it wasn’t. You have to be badass, she told me. Make them want what they can’t have. I was twelve.
Murder Hotel by Emily Rinkema
This story goes places I didn’t expect. It made me sit up and gasp at one point. …I whisper that there’s nowhere in the world I would rather be, even if people have been murdered in our hotel room. Steve laughs and insists they probably haven’t, even though the stain on the rug is dark…
The Dog and the Giraffe by Ruth Brandt
A story told from the perspective 9-year-old Cara, about getting used to a new family arrangement. Brandt channels the child’s point of view so well.
Sforzando by Timothy Reilly
It’s a story about tuba lessons, kind of. It goes in unexpected directions, and also contains some good tuba trivia (18 feet of tubing!).
A creepy camping story with and ending that’ll haunt you. The perspective shift in this story is done brilliantly, and the ending will linger for a while.
I’d read this when it was new and forgotten about it. It’s funny throughout, with a brilliant final paragraph.
More Static than Skin
Weird speculative fiction about a student who is terminally online: “Nobody believes her when she introduces herself as a poor signal.”