Publication: Electric Lit
All Stories by Kevin Wilson
The narrator of Wilson’s story is a lonely, depressed college student who attempted suicide when he was younger and has stopped taking his meds. That doesn’t sound like the setup for a touching and memorable story, but this is one. One night, while I pretended to be asleep, facing the cinderblock wall of my dorm,…
Housemom by Hannah Gregory
‘Housemom’ is an excellent title for this story. The narrator’s mother is dying of cancer and the place will literally fall apart without her. Gregory’s characters feel like a real family — they love each other but maybe don’t like each other much. Things unravel in a sad, comic and very human way. Robbie is…
M.A.S.H by Sarah Gerard
A memoir piece about being sexually pursued and harassed as a teenager, by an employee of her father’s. She describes the toxic masculinity of the advertising agency in the late 90s so well you can almost smell the place. At times it reminded me of Jill Ciment’s Consent: Is it scandalous or naïve to say…
These Are the Fables
This story about a woman finding out she’s pregnant and telling the would-be father goes places I would never have predicted. It’s the first I’ve read of hers but it won’t be the last. Recommended in this thread of gems by Aaron Burch.
A Cruise Ship for the Disappeared
An insurance investigation into a disaster involving a cruise ship. I loved the subtle hints about the cause of the disaster
Mrs. Morrison Proofreads Her Obituary
I laughed out loud at this, what a great first piece
The Great Silence
“It’s no coincidence that “aspiration” means both hope and the act of breathing.” This is an older story, it’s included in his excellent collection Exhalations. It reminds me of Benjamin Labatut, weaving science and fiction together with an emphasis on soul.
House Hunters
The Purge plus real estate. Unhinged in the best way.
Good Night, Sleep Tight
About the lasting effects of a traumatic and puzzling childhood episode. I hadn’t read anything by Evenson before, but the atmosphere and use of repetition in that story is incredible. I’ll seek out more for sure.
The Blue Room
The Blue Room is lit with a cerulean light. With the exception of a narrow, elevated walkway and a pillow for visitors to sit on, its walls, floor, and ceiling are covered in blue soundproofing foam. In the middle of the floor, halfway sunken into the foam, like something washed up on a beach, is a…