Publication: BULL
Black Heart
A grandfather deals with some trespassers, bascially. The grandfather in this story reminded me so much of my dad. In the stare-down that follows, three men stand. I hope the girls are impressed, because I am mostly amused by guys who try to look tough but don’t know which way is front of their ball…
Two Stories
Two related and absolutely crushing pieces of flash nonfiction by a Toronto writer: “Let Me Pretend” and “He always says he will never leave me”. Domestic abuse is a big part of these stories. Five minutes of reading you’ll never forget.
The Astronaut
My note after reading this simply says “holy shit“.
The Private Investigator Balances the Scales
This is super short but has a serious twist to it that I’ve been thinking about since I read it.
Man of Ten Years
“Always respect ten-year-olds. Always.”
The Holding on of Letting Go
A House of Noise
Hippo Brain
You can’t outrun being born poor anymore than a rabbit can outrun being born a rabbit. Get as far away as you like, you’ll still spend the rest of your days listening for the wolf at the door, watching for threatening shadows on the ground. Being poor is being hunted. Forever.