Ludicrous: The Unvarnished Story of Tesla Motors by Edward Neidermeyer

National Geographic Books

First half of this book is a snoozer but holy cow did I love the rest.

First half of this book is a snoozer but holy cow did I love the rest.

Neidermeyer is more interested in the engineering, design and manufacturing of the Tesla, rather than Elon Musk. Obviously you can’t separate the two but the car comes first in this book, and the book is better for it.

The insights into why Tesla faces the manufacturing hurdles it has are really well explained. While the author isn’t a natural storyteller, and in the first half the timeline is jumbled and a little disjointed, it is worth it. The last section focuses on the cult of Tesla and the way the company uses its image as a tech company rather than an auto company to game the system, and it’s really revealing.

Its not a book like Bad Blood or Super Pumped – not a dissection of the pathos of the CEO, although that does factor into the story.

Good read. I’m not a car guy but I loved this.

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