Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence by Kate Crawford

The Atlas of AI
Yale University Press

This is a fantastic introduction to the foundations of AI. I loved it all

Atlas of AI is a fantastic introduction to the foundations of AI. I loved it all, but it felt like Kate Crawford was building toward something that never came.

This is the type of book that sits alongside books like Race After Technology, Don’t Be Evil, Ruined by Design and Blockchain Chicken Farm in that it can change the way you actually process the world, and the motivations, goals and methods of the leaders of today’s tech CEOs and their apologists.

The destructive potential of large tech companies, when enabled by spineless or witless governments is terrifying and needs to be checked. This book makes a clear case as to why, and raises plenty of alarms about what other unintended consequences might arise if private companies continue to dominate tech – in ways that expand the surveillance and security powers of the state in frightening ways.

Highly recommend. I just with the Conclusion and Coda sections were expanded and explored further.

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