The Empty Page

“Anxious and angular punk rock” from Manchester.

This band has been releasing music since 2016. Their Instagram says their style is ‘anxious, angular punk’ and I think that’s about right. They fit in the same category as current favourites SPRINTS and Slow Fiction. They are completely self-funded, no label. It’s amazing what they’ve managed to achieve.

I heard them for the first time today, then went back and listened to everything they’ve released. Most tracks got more than one play.

Their debut is pretty straightforward indie rock. Their sound has tension and drama, singer Kel’s vocals are strong and sound natural and unprocessed. It’s not theatric or melodramatic. There’s lots of variety in the style and tone of the tracks. She shifts from conversational tone to furious near-scream easily, making tracks like Wardrobe Malfunction into standouts.

Seems like they hit their stride in 2019 with When the Cloud Explodes. Holy shit:

This was followed by a couple of other tracks that year, equally polished and intense.

In 2022, they started releasing tracks that are coming out with the album Imploding next month. There’s a new level of polish to these tracks, but the immediacy and intensity are still there. Here’s lead track Dry Ice:

There are five songs from the upcoming LP available on their Bandcamp page (and streaming, but they’re organized per the album on Bandcamp).

The album Imploding comes out May 10. Preorder here. If you get the CD there are three bonus tracks. More details and a sneak peek here.
