Speedrun – Love’s Latest News

Meet Me in the Feminist Book Club

Speedrun is Nina Lüders from NYC. Her music is a disarming – Hearsay starts like a Meet Me in the Bathroom-era Strokes jam, until the vocal comes in. She’s got a voice that would sound at home drenched in reverb and leading a shoegaze band, or in a high-end cocktail bar singing jazz standards, and that’s part of the appeal to me.

Her debut EP came out in February, and it’s a fantastic twist on that early 00’s indie rock sound. There’s a lot of range on that EP, and the lyrics are poetic and engaging. She’s obviously a reader, and she says as much in this interview with blog fave Atwood Magazine.

This song isn’t on it but it’s pretty great (and full of her influences, which made me skip back a few times to catch the book and album covers):

According to this feature in Atwood Magazine, not only is she an avid reader, she played all the instruments in the last track on the record.
