Rêverie – End of the World / One Heart

reverie - end of the world

Rêverie has released two great singles so far this year and teased two more. Hard to categorize, but easy to like

Released: 2024

Instagram | Youtube | Website

This band made the rounds today on the sites that I watch for new music. They’re a Dutch trio, and they’re fairly difficult to categorize. Here’s the newest single, End of the World:

Kind of fits in the same playlist as Suzy Clue and Viji, I think. It’s catchy, layered, and has a killer fresh take on the 90s indie-shoegaze feel. They’ve been releasing music since 2019, but they’ve got two singles out this year that sound like they’re ready to blow up. Here’s the other one, from May, titled One Heart:

Stylistically they’re a little all over the map, in a good way — electronic beats, heavy guitars, shoegaze-y vocals and hooky melodies. The older songs seem to genre hop even more. This one is a good example, from the 2021 EP called live to see endless:

It’s got a lot going on! But it’s compelling stuff. Their Instagram is teasing more new music that sounds much different from everything I just linked. Can’t wait to hear what’s next.

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