click and listen: september 13 2024

A stash of killer tracks in this week’s Apple Music and Spotify playlists

15 songs
56 minutes

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The short playlist is replaced by the full 2024 playlist after one week. Don’t worry, all those songs are still there, just buried.

Track List

artist | song name | feature post

  1. Public Works (New Jersey) | In the Pines | feature
  2. Hank (London) | Pull It Off | feature
  3. Silken* (California) | Silken
  4. Grizzly Coast (Toronto) | Black Market
  5. Half Happy (Cardiff) | Bloom | feature
  6. &Tilly (Prague) and Color Theory (California)| I Cannot Rain | feature
  7. Christian Sean* (Montreal) | Cold Water
  8. Kaeto (London) | Distance | feature
  9. Kid Tigrrr (Cleveland) | PTSD | feature
  10. My Cosmic Girl (Wellington, NZ) | Psychic | feature
  11. Kynsy (Dublin) | Body | feature
  12. Holly Head* (Manchester) | No Gain
  13. alphabet* (London) | Artificial Light
  14. moondoggy (Toronto)| It Gets Easier | feature
  15. Sex Week (Brooklyn) | Naked | feature

* = first time on the blog

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