I’m a sucker for an up-and-coming punk rock band. In my 20’s, me and my pals used to go see Flashlight (Flashlight Brown to the latecomers, Running Season is a classic) every time they played in Toronto. We loved the loose, scrappy, high-energy shows.
Today I heard Montreal band Birds of Prrrey, and they remind me a lot of those days. They’re a 3-piece from Montreal and they are killer. Check out this live set for CKUT:
They’ve got exactly one (1) song on streaming, called False Hope. It’s the one that sold me on them. Here’s the streaming version of the song:
There are a couple other things online from them: a Soundcloud demo of a song called Doors, and this trippy live performance of the furious omgcrowseverywhere.com$$2003 (just rolls off the tongue).
They just played Toronto a couple days ago (dammit) and have a couple shows lined up over the summer. In this interview it sounds like there’s an EP on the way, so I imagine there’s a lot more to come.
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