“Hollywood Becomes Bollywood”: Visualizing climate change

The Pudding: Climate change

The Pudding with another interactive infographic about climate change. This team just doesn’t miss.

The Pudding’s new interactive thing lets you see how your city is going to be affected by climate change in the next 50ish years. They visualize models for 70 cities and show how they’ll change – for example Toronto goes from ‘cold’ to ‘temperate’, which doesn’t seem very drastic, but Los Angeles shifts from ‘temperate’ to ‘arid’.

The now Temperate cities, with hot or wet summers, become swallowed by the Tropical and Arid classifications. Nearly 90 million people who live in Temperate zones shift into harsher environments.

It’s well-executed and probably better experienced on a laptop than a phone. The Pudding just doesn’t miss.

Check it out here.

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