Weekender – June 7, 2024

Jump to new releases, new music discoveries, or things to read.

Hey! You’re here! Thank you.

I spent a long time on the road last weekend, visiting my oldest friend. Perfect weather + forest highways = bliss. I took zero photos or videos. Maybe that means I was doing it right. It also meant a ton of time to listen to new music.

I hope you find something you like here, and if you’re inclined, get in touch.

Take me to the playlists

Want just the essentials in your inbox? OK:

All of these artists are in the playlists on this page

If you want to hear a song or two from each of these artists, I’ve made you a mixtape! Find it on this page

Till next week, y’all. Don’t be afraid to say hello.

Till next week, y’all. Don’t be afraid to say hello.