Week wrap – July 26, 2024


Week wrap: new singles plus everything else I wrote about last week including books, music, and more

Jump to new releases, this week’s music posts, or things to read.

Hi! You’re here! Thank you.

Still no air conditioning, but I’m surviving. This week has been frantic with work, in the best way. I’m lucky to have a day job that I love, though I wish I could schedule the busy times to be when it’s crummy outside. It’s perfect kayak weather and I’m stuck at my desk. ANYWAY:

Read the short things this week: Dealbreakers, Katherine Plumhoff, Gods of Logic (less short but hits like a jackhammer). Listen to the Sham Family album.

This week’s playlist is the best one yet, I think. I’ve had it on repeat all morning. It’s SO GOOD. It’s only 14 songs, less than 50 minutes.

I hope you find something you like here, and if you’re inclined, get in touch.

Here is this week’s playlist for Apple Music and Spotify

Want just the essentials in your inbox? OK:

All of these artists are on this week’s playlist for Apple Music and Spotify

Blog faves

New artists (to me)

If you want to hear a song from each of these artists, here’s the playlist for Apple Music and Spotify

  • Kid Tigrrr / Niights

    Kid Tigrrr / Niights


    Kid Tigrrr (aka polymath Jenna Fournier) makes absorbing indie pop music and a lot of other things. I think she’s about to have a very busy schedule

    hear it

  • Burr Oak – No Time To Dream

    Burr Oak – No Time To Dream


    Burr Oak’s two latest singles are fantastic indie rock, with terrific music videos. I didn’t know of them until this week, but now I’m eager to hear more

    hear it

  • Sediments – A EP

    Sediments – A EP

    Deventer, the Netherlands

    The first and only single from Sediments is an instant groovy classic. There’s more on the EP and (hopefully) even more to come.

    hear it

  • Soot Sprite – Home Among Your Bones / I Went Swimming

    Soot Sprite – Home Among Your Bones / I Went Swimming


    Their recent single “I Went Swimming” sent me into all of Soot Sprite’s releases. There’s a lot to like, and the new stuff is perfect indie pop

    hear it

  • Sham Family – A Deaf Portrait of Peace

    Sham Family – A Deaf Portrait of Peace


    Sham Family is one of the fiercest bands on the Toronto scene right now. I can’t get enough of their debut album

    hear it

Till next week, y’all. Don’t be afraid to say hi.

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