Twelve days of mailin’ it in, Day Ten: Good Kid

Day eleven of low-effort posts killer performance videos

It’s a quiet time of year for new music and there’s enough stuff competing for attention. I’m busy and you’re busy. For each of the 12 weekdays leading up to the 24th, I’ll post a video of a live performance that I’ve loved this year, and link to the artist feature.

Day TEN: Good Kid

My teenager is an enormous Good Kid fan and we went to this show together. I didn’t know CBC was recording. It was one of the best shows I’ve been to — Goofd Kid is so talented and charismatic it’s almost unfair. Some bands actually sound different after you’ve seen them live, like the songs take on a different character, and this is one of them. If you get a chance to catch them, don’t miss it, even if it means you’re one of the oldest in the crowd.

Plus: Here’s a short acoustic set from last year. They also released an EP of acoustic versions of a few songs that features Loupe on one.

OK one more, This video will make you laugh out loud. The song is great, and once you decide you love it, I’ll tell you it’s based on a video game.

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