Twelve days of mailin’ it in, Day Seven: Shelf Lives

Day seven of low-effort posts killer performance videos

It’s a quiet time of year for new music and there’s enough stuff competing for attention. I’m busy and you’re busy. For each of the 12 weekdays leading up to the 24th, I’ll post a video of a live performance that I’ve loved this year, and link to the artist feature.

Day SEVEN: Shelf Lives

Some great bands only have two members: White Stripes, DFA 1979, Waste Youth, Sleigh Bells, Japandroids, and Shelf Lives. Their single “Where Did I Go” led me to this video from 2023 — they’re performing in a small room on a round stage, and I find the crowd’s nonchalance fully baffling. It’s just an absolute ripper of a show, and the duo leaves it all on the stage.

BONUS: the three videos from this year’s No Idea EP, that you can buy here

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