Twelve days of mailin’ it in, Day Nine: SPRINTS

Day nine of low-effort posts killer performance videos

It’s a quiet time of year for new music and there’s enough stuff competing for attention. I’m busy and you’re busy. For each of the 12 weekdays leading up to the 24th, I’ll post a video of a live performance that I’ve loved this year, and link to the artist feature.

Day Nine: Sprints

I’m mad that these guys haven’t come to Toronto this year. I’ve listened to no artist more in 2024 than SPRINTS (except the dog thing, but that doesn’t count).

Not only is their record my favourite of the first 12 months of doing this blog, I found several other new favourite bands by watching who they were playing with on tour (including Jagged Baptist Club and Slow Fiction).

BONUS: Here’s a band-curated playlist of live performances that will gave me goosebumps.

Also, this short documentary about the making of the record is worth a watch:

Come to Toronto in 2025!

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