Twelve days of mailin’ it in, Day Eight: Luvcat

Day eight of low-effort posts killer performance videos

It’s a quiet time of year for new music and there’s enough stuff competing for attention. I’m busy and you’re busy. For each of the 12 weekdays leading up to the 24th, I’ll post a video of a live performance that I’ve loved this year, and link to the artist feature.

Day EIGHT: Luvcat

Another Lou Smith video, another killer performance from a band with almost nothing out yet. I’m at the point where I click blindly on everything Lou posts, and the above set from Luvcat was one that hooked me instantly.

Matador is the song that made them viral. If you’ve only heard the streaming versions of these songs, you might not expect this band to have a great live show, but you’d be way wrong.

Here’s another set from a little more recently, I love how the crowd is singing along with songs that they could have only heard through live shows:

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