I don’t seek out interviews with artists I like (“never meet your heroes” and all that). I’m glad I made an exception here.

This is an excellent interview. Karla Chubb comes off articulate and insightful. She talks about abortion sexism in music media, same-sex marriage in Ireland, and ADHD.

There were a few places I could relate — I was raised Catholic and my closest childhood friend is in a same-sex marriage. My kid has recently been diagnosed with ADHD, manifesting the same way as Chubb and interviewer Emily Fox.

On being a queer person in Catholic Ireland:

…your entire life you spent thinking there was something wrong with you, or you’re different or you’re not totally equal in society. And then all of a sudden you on paper legally kind of are in one respect, and it’s how you rewire your brain…almost like we should be so thankful that we were finally granted the same rights as everyone else. And it’s like, well, everything’s fixed now, isn’t it? Like they put a bandaid on like a leaking dam and then like, aren’t you happy?

On being diagnosed with ADHD at age 31:

I’d start this hobby or that task or this business idea. And I was always so full of potential people always said, but a very little follow through… in life and in things like school and college, I already struggled when I was left to like independent study or just had to learn things off my heart and regurgitate them in exams. And I was always told like, oh, you’re intelligent, but you need to focus or you’re intelligent if you just put more effort in or if you just did this or just did that and I never understood why I always think that’s so difficult.

The whole thing is worth a listen.