Six short stories for September 18, 2024

Six short stories that I’ve loved and shared recently, by five new (to me) writers and one prior fave

I share most of these as I come across them on X, but I like to collect them in a post now and then so I can find them later, and so I can keep track of the writers I like (and for the non-X users, bless ’em). Barlow Adams is a writer I’ve shared before (twice!), and his piece led me to the Hannah Smart story.

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These stories all deal (to varying degrees) with childhood trauma and/or substance abuse. I don’t know what that says about me, but I hope you dig the stories.

A House of Noise by Coleman Bigelow in Bull

Collections by Christine H. Chen, also at Bull

Wife in Reverse by the late Stephen Dixon in Matchbook Lit.

A Story in Which Something Happens by Hannah Smart in HAD

The Holding on of Letting Go by Kate Axeford, also at Bull

The Unexorcist by Barlow Adams, also in HAD

That Stephen Dixon story isn’t new, but it’s new to me. He was an accomplished writer that I’d never come across, so expect to see more about him down the road. His story is pretty compelling: here’s more about him in his NYT obituary (gift link).

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