Short stories: September 23 2024

Seems I’m doing this every week now. Here are five short fiction pieces you should read

This is looking like it’s going to be a semi-regular thing now. Here are five short stories that have stuck with me recently.
I find many of these via my X list of authors and publications, and I add to that as I find new authors and outlets. You can follow that list, or follow me on X and I tend to tweet these things as I come across them.

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Anyway, here they are:

Take Care by Laura Zapico in Your Impossible Voice: this story of a recovering addict struggling to keep sober

Last Time by Douglas A. Wright in Vestal Review is heartbreaking story of two brothers playing video games

Man of Ten Years by Gary Finnegan in BULL: “Always respect ten-year-olds. Always.”

TOM CLANCY DID NOT WRITE DOMESTIC THRILLERS AND DEFINITELY DIED ON OCTOBER 1ST, 2013 by Evan Hannon in X-R-A-Y – One of the funniest short stories I’ve read. All you need to know is in the title.

Souvenirs by blog fave Amy DeBellis in Mayday Magazine: a woman reminisces about a failed relationship with increasingly distressing mementos.

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