Short fiction links – August 8

Short fiction by Amy DeBellis, M. Lea Gray, Karen Heuler and Michael Deagler

A few pieces of short fiction I loved from this week:

“The Last Laugh” by M. Lea Gray in Fractured Lit: A woman and her mother negotiate with a funeral director after her father’s death. The writing and mood of this story are haunting.

“Petting Zoo”, in Five on the Fifth, by blog fave Amy DeBellis – this is nightmare fuel. One of the descriptions from this story cost me sleep.

“So Much to Know” by Karen Heuler, in Electric Lit is funny and surprising, about a super curious type who gets mugged…but has questions for the mugger.

“New Poets by Michael Deagler, in Harper’s Magazine (via) — it’s part of his newly published novel Early Sobrieties. It’s a longer read, but it’s funny and sad and surprising. He writes characters like Dennis Lahane.

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