October is Dead Anyway Month at T&W

They’re one of my favourite discoveries of 2024. They just published a book, and have a new record out in a few weeks. Time to get into Dead Anyway.

Dead Anyway Month posts

Dead Anyway Month1 started as a bit of a lark when I was writing the newsletter last week — I was just cracking open songwriter/vocalist Kate Arnold‘s collection of poetry-slash-lyrics Kicking at Tombstones, and they had just announced their new record, to be released October 25th. I have a funny feeling I’ll like it.2

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So there’s at least two fun things to write about. I’m working on a handful of other ideas. Plus their album Partially Eaten by Animals is the most halloween-appropriate record since Thriller. So let’s make it official:

It’s Dead Anyway month on Turn & Work.

I’m not sure how this is going to unfold, I’ve got 3 or 4 posts sketched out and ideas for more. At least one post a week leading up to the new record at the end of the month.

If you’re not up to speed on Dead Anyway, you’ll either love them by the end of this or unsubscribed from my newsletter. If the latter, no hard feelings, you probably weren’t gonna last here anyway. Speaking of:

Dead Anyway is the stage name of duo Kate Arnold (lyrics, vocals) and Marc Symonds (instruments and production). They make music that I’ll describe as trip hop beat-poetry. Their sound is dark, provoctative, topical, and frequently furious. They’ve been putting out music since 2020, and they’re one of my favourite artists. They’re weird, provocative, funky and never dull.

I heard them for the first time earlier this year, and they’ve become a staple in my playlists, even if it earns the side-eye from passengers in my car.

You can start by checking out their music. Start where I started, with February’s Partially Eaten by Animals. Here, I’ll embed it so you don’t even have to go anywhere. No excuses, hit play, it’s less than 20 minutes long:

My first feature will be posted tomorrow (Wednesday), and hopefully some surprises in store along the way.

1disclosure: this whole thing was my idea, no sponsorship or whatever. They did send me a copy of the book, though! (back)

2They let me hear it already, and I love it. (back)

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