Molly McGhee continues to say very smart things

This piece on Scott Neumyer’s Substack is terrific. He talks anxiety with Molly McGhee, author of Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind:

How reductionist is it for us to say ‘my anxiety is bad today’ when what we mean is: the world is burning, the forests are eroding, our schoolchildren are being slaughtered by grown men, we step over unhoused and dying people to make it to work where we convert pdfs for a living, so that we can raise enough money to donate it to a loved ones kickstarter because if we can’t raise ten thousand dollars to pay a for-profit hospital, then that person we love will join the rest of society and die without fanfare, acknowledgement, or justice for the tragedy that was their circumstances.

It’s one of those pieces that you want to read long parts of aloud to whoever is within earshot. I haven’t come across Scott before but he’s an instant add to the RSS reader.