Like what I’ve done with the place?

I spent a whole lot of time last week learning things about WordPress, and doing web designer cosplay. I’m pretty happy with the result so far. I considered rebuilding the site from scratch — going as far as spinning up Local and exploring a fresh new install. But after probably 10 hours of tinkering, I’d gotten far enough that I figured I could just reno the existing site. I learned that I did a lot of things wrong when I built this last fall, and undoing my errors was as much work as doing the new stuff.

I’ve struck a pretty good balance, making things largely look the way I want while playing within the limits of my existing theme (twenty twenty three). Here are the things I’ve learned, in no particular order:

  • Block themes in WordPress are both extremely versatile and extremely limiting, in different capacities
  • A whole lot about shortcodes
  • I should learn how php works
  • Function over form (ie. it’s easier to build a post template that works for all your posts, than to try to build unique layouts for each type of post)
  • Plugins can cause more confusion than they solve
  • When something doesn’t work the way I want it to, it’s usually because my understanding of the thing is flawed (ie. the tool isn’t made to do the task I think it is)
  • When I’m struggling to implement something the way I want it to work, it’s useful to start again – using what I know about what’s possible to shape the final product than trying to force my idea where it isn’t welcome
  • ChatGPT is way less helpful than Reddit when it comes to learning — ChatGPT has an answer to all your problems, but Reddit will help you ask smarter questions and get at solutions more elegantly.

That last one is the doozy. ChatGPT is like a yes-man — it’ll find a way to do exactly what you ask of it, even if it’s incredibly complicated. Reddit and other forums have smart people who will try to understand what you’re trying to do, and suggest better ways to go about it.

Anyway. I’m sure it’s not perfect, and there is lots more learning to do. If you see any issues please let me know.