Corporate Update: September 30 2024

Corporate update! Some general behind the scenes stuff. This might be a regular thing, let’s find out.

Hi there! You’re here! Thank you.

The team1 has been busy2 and we’re unveiling some big developments3: A refreshed layout of the homepage to make it a little more magazine-y. If you came via another route, check it out. If you spot any bugs, or have complaints (or compliments), please submit a report to customer service4.

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There’s a bunch of other design updates coming too, all in good time. My ambition pretty regularly exceeds my ability and I like it that way.

Not unrelated: I also had a shit-ton of newsletter subscribers show up over the weekend. Not sure why, but glad to see it. Where did they come from? It’s hard to tell, looking at the data I have. I guess I have some stuff to learn about audience acquisition.

Anyway, welcome new readers, hope I don’t disappoint too much.

I have a little October Surprise planned — if you get the newsletter you have a hint of what’s to come. The rest of y’all will find out tomorrow. It’s been fun to plan and think about, here’s hoping that I can make it fun reading and listening too.

I did a ton of driving over the weekend so I have a ton of music to recommend. I wound up revisiting some music that I’d unfairly dismissed a couple weeks ago, and the queue is full of good stuff. Just gotta get around to writing about it.

Next month (November, not October) is what I’m going to declare the first birthday of this site. November 5 is the date of the first Instagram post (don’t go look at it, please), so I’m working on some stuff for that. This is a pretty different place than it was a year ago, and it’s not at all what I’d envisioned at the time.

Anyway, thanks for reading. If you have any feedback or stuff to share, lay it on me.

Have a great week.

1 me (back)

2 farting around (back)

3I learned some new wordpress tricks (back)

4 also me (back)

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