Best of 2023: Music

Similar to the books post, these aren’t necessarily artists that put out music in 2023 (though most are), but artists who I connected with most strongly this year. It was a weird year, with some great heights and some truly dark moments. Here’s to more of the former and less of the latter in 2024.


Toronto band, hard to classify, but everyone who hears ‘Unluckiest’ in my car asks me what it is. The whole EP is original and hooky.

Good Kid

Another Toronto band. My kid saw these guys open for Lovejoy and we both became big fans. A top experience of the year was seeing them play in the basement of a record store. They’re on tour in 2024 and you should check them out if you have the chance.


This album was everywhere this year. It’s great. So is her older stuff.

Snapped Ankles

Points to the Apple Music algorithm for this one. Once I heard The Evidence, this band was on repeat for several weeks.


Took me a long time to come around on this one. After a bunch of failed attempts to get into it, Street Rat found me, and then Salad, then I was all in. Hope she comes to Toronto soon.

Panic Shack

No idea where I first heard this band, but I love them. Funny, brash and high-energy.


At first I thought I was listening to Mike Ness. Civic is perfect driving music.

Pool Kids

A grower for sure, but the singer’s stylistic range eventually hooked me, and the production on the album is beautiful.

100 Gecs

This is what keeps me young.