He wakes up in his car. Then he lovingly chooses your avocados.

Last winter, as Askew was driving to pick up an UberEats order, a stray bullet passed through the car he was renting at the time, shattering the driver’s side window and going out through the passenger’s side. Askew slept that night in the car — shivering, broken glass everywhere — swapped it out at the rental place in the morning, and turned on the UberEats app again that afternoon.

This article has been sitting in my Pocket app for a week or so because I knew it would be upsetting. It is. It’s easy to read this and reflectively think of the Black Mirror parallels but then you hit this:

But to follow that dream, while also paying child support he says he supplies to his ex-wife, the mother of his two young children, he had to give up his apartment and move into his car in February.

I don’t know what the right path is but it feels increasingly like we’re not on it.