Week wrap – August 2, 2024

Week wrap: new singles plus everything else I wrote about last week including books, music, and more

Jump to new releases, this week’s music posts, or things to read.

Hi! You’re here! Thank you.

Still no AC. I don’t want to talk about it.

The next couple weeks will be light posting – Monday’s a holiday, Friday I have to do wedding things. Then I’m off to a cottage for a week and I don’t know what the wifi situation is like. They say it’s good, but…we’ll see. Meantime:

Once again, read the short things: These stories by Lena Valencia are great. I’m hoping to pick up her book next week. Listen to the Math Club record and the Julia-Sophie record – each in a single sitting, with headphones, in a place that you can get emotional.

Here is this week’s playlist for Apple Music and Spotify

Things to listen to

New singles from new artists (to me)

From the blog

A song from each of these artists is on the playlists: Apple Music and Spotify

Things to read

Short things

  • Week wrap – August 2, 2024

    Weekly review – new releases from old favourites, and a recap of the posts from the past 7 days.


  • lena valencia - mystery lights

    A few short horror stories from Lena Valencia

    Lena Valencia’s first short story collection comes out next week. A couple of short stories she’s published online has made the book a must-buy


  • Is Sleep Training Harmful? – The Pudding

    The Pudding’s latest data visualization is a killer example of how to debunk myths using empathy and data On Friday, The Pudding published a piece about ‘sleep training’. Pretty much any parent can relate to the anxiety and lack of definitive answers that come with a newborn. There isn’t a lot of science on any…


Book reviews

Till next week, y’all. Don’t be afraid to say hi.

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