Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter

This was readable, and there was building tension that I was drawn in by, but I don’t imagine it’s going to stay with me (for obvious reasons). I’m not the target demographic, but I also felt that this book doesn’t do much to distinguish itself from other current MFA-lit. Style over substance in a big way. When the substance hits, it’s effective (I’ll never look at a pomegranate the same way) but more than once I asked myself why I was bothering with this one.

This was readable, and there was building tension that I was drawn in by, but I don’t imagine it’s going to stay with me (for obvious reasons).

I’m not the target demographic, but I also felt that this book doesn’t do much to distinguish itself from other current MFA-lit. Style over substance in a big way.

When the substance hits, it’s effective (I’ll never look at a pomegranate the same way) but more than once I asked myself why I was bothering with this one.

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