mary in the junkyard – this old house EP

I almost ignored this artist at first, but they’re so magnetic I kept coming back. Glad I did

Released: 2024

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This is a trio from London (it seems like half of what I share these days is from the UK) – they make what they call ‘angry, weepy chaos rock’ – it’s artful indie rock that twists and turns mid-song. The two singles from their EP (out tomorrow) have been on my playlist for a couple of weeks, and they’re magnetic as hell. Their music didn’t hit for me on first listen, but I keep coming back to them, and now I’m fully hooked.

Singer and guitarist Clari Freeman-Taylor has a very distinctive voice and pseudo-yodel on some of the tracks, and though I know that doesn’t sound compelling, it absolutely is. Saya Barbaglia plays bass and viola (!). This band is complicated, in the best possible way. Debut single Tuesday is a great example, this song takes some unexpected steps both musically and lyrically:

According to this profile in NME, they’ve developed a pretty devoted following on the back of their live show. Can confirm: they look and sound great in the live recordings on YouTube. If you’re on the fence, just put this on while you do something else, and by the halfway point you’ll be rapt:

That NME piece is a good read if you dig the music at all.

A track like Ghost (in the header and below) can’t be easy to pull off live, I imagine. Between the complicated vocal and shifts in the intensity of the track, it almost comes off as a different track live.

Can’t wait to hear more.

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