TTSSFU – Me, Jed and Andy

Tasmin Stevens makes DIY dreamy indie rock with some dark, trauma-fuelled lyrics

Released: 2024

Instagram | Bandcamp | Youtube

I first heard TTSSFU when I was learning about Duvet. It’s the stage name and full DIY project of the band’s guitarist Tasmin Stevens. Turns out they’re also playing a show with blog fave Slow Fiction in May. And opening for Soccer Mommy on a few dates in the summer too.

EP “Me, Jed and Andy” came out in January. It’s gentle-sounding indie rock with a distinct edge. The songs are very sparsely produced, the reverb on the vocals turned way up. There’s a lot of subtle disruptive elements woven in throughout – a ringing phone and yell at the end of ‘Asexual’, some discordant guitar on ‘Jed’ that gives the track a bit of an off-balance feel. Lyrics on the soft dream pop lead track are dark and trauma-fuelled:

Apparently the Jed and Andy in the title are Jed Johnson and Andy Warhol and this was inspired by their relationship (which I know nothing about). EP closer Studio 54 is the most direct reference to the relationship, and also one of the catchiest on the record:

Here’s a music video from last year. The song is somewhat straightforward, the video is decidedly not:

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