Best of January

Dark, snowy, cold and dark.

But! We’re that much closer to spring. Business is strong, family is well, and I’ve made some cool new internet friends through this little project. I was in quoted in the Wall Street Journal! Granted, it was throwing shade at Jack Carr, but it was a very fun experience.

Anyway, not much to complain about.

Here’s some stuff that I want to remember from January:


Waiting for the Barbarians by JM Coetzee
This was haunting and hits way above its weight. Coetzee dissects the moral and philosophical aspects of colonization in a way that resonates more than 40 years after publication.

The Girl from the Other Side by Nagabe
The most unique manga I’ve read (though that list is short). Beautiful art and a story that will break your heart, all written by a surprisingly young author.

Money by Martin Amis
Amis at his savage and angry best, his main character is an absolute sociopath but the book is riveting.

Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
The emergence of mid-period Vonnegut is silly and savage fun. Maybe it’s nostalgia but it’s been my favourite of his since I was a teenager.

When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamin Labatut
Labatut’s first, and the template he followed with The MANIAC, this is every bit as good. The author digs into cases of cutting-edge mathematicians and their detachment from reality. It’s impossible to put this down.


Kat Koan – Cocoon

My car’s in the shop, and the loaner they gave me has a very nice B&O sound system. This album has been testing its limits.

SPRINTS – Letter to Self

This rips, end-to-end. I’m grumpy that they’re not coming to Toronto on their current tour.

Math Club – Suddenly

You miss the Weakerthans? This might scratch that itch.

Kruder and Dorfmeister – The K&D Sessions
This record wasn’t available on streaming until 2022, and it’s an absolute classic, but apparently an Apple Music exclusive.