“If you die when no one’s watching, was it even worth your time?” What a debut from Chicago’s Kaput. “High Wire” came out in October. It’s about fame and fandom, and I can’t get enough of it. This is some sinister stuff, and I love everything about it.
Kaput’s next single “Runner”, from November, is equally intense. It’s more danceable, but includes a discordant piano straight out of a Blumhouse film.
Kaput is Brian Fox and Nadia Garofalo. Garofalo is a busy woman; she’s in another heavy band called Heavy Feelings1, who just released an EP in December 2024.
The newest Kaput track is called “Sucker” from last week, and it’s proper dance punk. Fuzzy riffs, claustrophobic production and a vocal track that’s just below boiling.
The band says we can expect an album sometime in April, though they haven’t finalized the date. Hopefully we get another single or two in the run up.
Further Reading
Regen Magazine article for ‘High Wire’
Regen Magazine article for “Sucker”
Beats Per Minute article for “Sucker”
Bandcamp page for Heavy Feelings
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